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Hormone imbalances affects men and women alike. Symptoms that are typically viewed as part of normal aging like fatigue, mood swing, weight gain and loss of libido are actually treatable conditions with long term solutions.


Hormone imbalances affects men and women alike. Symptoms that are typically viewed as part of normal aging like fatigue, mood swing, weight gain and loss of libido are actually treatable conditions with long term solutions.

The EvexiPEL Method

Hormone imbalances affect men and women alike. Symptoms that are typically viewed as part of normal aging like fatigue, mood swing, weight gain, and loss of libido are actually treatable conditions with long-term solutions.

At VIP Medispa our trained physicians will review your current health, medical history, symptoms, and goals and perform lab tests to provide a comprehensive customized treatment plan to restore hormone imbalances. Our physicians are extensively trained in the EvexiPEL method as it mimics the pathway of hormones normally produced in the body and it is the only patented pellet on the market.

The EvexiPEL Method was created to reduce inflammation, promote comfort at the insertion site and deliver consistent dosing over a 3–5-month period to experience the best possible hormone optimization. If you find yourself struggling with chronic stress, low sex drive, unexplained weight gain, poor sleep, and low energy feel your best self with EvexiPEL and see one of the expertly trained Physicians today for an appointment.

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men with EvexiPEL

It is estimated that 4 out of 10 men over the age of 40 have low or diminished testosterone. Symptoms of low testosterone in men include:

  • Low sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Increased body fat; especially around the breast area known as gynecomastia
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Memory loss and cognition problems

There is also long-term health risk that can arise from low testosterone such as increased cardiovascular issues and increased risk of diabetes. For men; Bioidentical Hormone Replacement pellet therapy is inserted every 5-6 months for a sustained release, making it easy and convenient for our patients.

Schedule a consultation with one of our providers. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you get started on the path to optimal health and wellness. Don’t let low testosterone hold you back any longer – contact VipMediSpa today and take the first step towards a happier, healthier you!

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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women with EvexiPEL

Many women suffer from hormonal imbalances due to hormonal fluctuations throughout our lifetime. It is increasingly common that women’s symptoms are either ignored, downplayed as a normal part of being a woman, a normal part of aging, or even misdiagnosed. These symptoms include:

  • Decreased sex drive, irregular periods, vaginal dryness, pain with sex, frequent bladder infections.
  • Dry skin, thinning hair, brittle nails, growth of unwanted facial hair
  • Nausea, dizziness, headaches, and chronic body aches
  • Weight changes, and changes in the way weight is distributed.
  • Anxiety, depression, and mood swings
  • Muscle tension, muscle, and joint pain, bone density changes

It is time for women to stop suffering in silence. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is safe and profoundly effective in rebalancing hormones no matter what phase of life a woman is in. Our expertly trained EvexiPEL physicians use a combination of Estrogen and Testosterone patented pellet therapy to help our patients find relief from symptoms. EvexiPEL patented pellet is inserted every 3-4 for a sustained release to allow steady dosing and the fluctuations frequently associated with cream, lotions, injections, or other formulations.

Here at VIP Medispa, we believe in the treatment of the root cause of hormonal imbalances after carefully reviewing signs and symptoms, medical history, and a comprehensive lab review. Our physicians have the necessary expertise to help you find relief and reclaim your life.

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